I was reading a random article about stress and the 10 secret stressors and shockingly one of them was celebrity gossip! I thought this was really funny/interesting since all of our blogs are on celebrities. This is what the article had to say about it:
10. Celebrity gossip
"Sure, it can be fun to stay up to date on Brad and Angelina—and did you seeJennifer Aniston’s new house?! But experts have always warned that celebrityogling may come at a cost to your happiness and stress levels. “Comparing yourself to celebrities and movie stars is difficult at best,” says Dr. DurrĂ©. “They have personal trainers, beauticians, housekeepers, maids, butlers, gardeners, chauffeurs, nannies and cooks.” Instead of fixating on such lifestyles, “accept yourself for who and what you are,” she adds. Try this: Only allow yourself to sink into celebrity gossip, whether it’s in print, on TV or on the Web, when you’re doing something to better your own health and happiness, like running on a treadmill or cooking a healthy meal."
The whole article can be found here. This is exactly why I think that comparing yourself to celebrities is bad. It's fine if you just read about celebrities. However, when you start to compare yourself to them, in most cases it only leaves you not feeling as good about yourself. Most celebrities have lots of money and can afford nice things, personal trainers and even chefs. It is unfair to yourself to expect to be exactly like a celebrity. However I think that celebrity gossip could also have positive influences on your life. For example after reading about Tiger Woods you could how bad it is and the consequences of being unfaithful and decide that is not what you what to do. Or you could read about how Oprah gives money to certain charities and decide to do the same. I think that celebrity gossip can make either a positive or a negative impact on your life and it is up to the reader to decide how to use this information.